Welcome to Beta-land!
social Art Library by Axis
You are visiting the beta of Social art library (SOAL), a new collectively-built archive and resource library for social practice by Axis.
SOAL is an interactive digital space that holds a permanent collection of custom content created and commissioned by Axis, an archive collection of projects submitted by artists, an artist/librarian-in-residence programme, and a digital archive of current thinking around the intersection between art and society.
We are currently working hard to build the Social Art Library in collaboration with social practitioners from across the UK and beyond. This means that the format you are currently navigating does not represent the final form - we still need your help to determine the best, most useful, most meaningful way to showcase knowledge from and about social art.
Axis are delighted to be partnering with Social Art Network on Social Art Library. Our program of collection for contemporary response work is supported by Art Fund.
To find out more, or to join the mailing list, you can email us at: librarian@socialartlibrary.org.
Social Art Library logo