The Field
Alana Jelinek
Photograph of a field surrounded by a fence.
The Field set out to be a durational, participatory art project in 2008. Originally conceived as an intervention by London-based artists into the English countryside, an intervention into land use and perceptions of England, we soon learned the arrogance of this position.
During the first few years we learned that an intervention into the nature and culture of the 12.9 acre area was inappropriate and indeed arrogant. We had to learn from the woodland and grassland. We had to learn from those who lived in and around The Field - both the human and non-human. We had to listen and accept. And respond. We had many scores of participants. Here listed are some, perhaps not all, of the core participants: Alana Jelinek, Juliette Brown, Katie Dow, Marianne Holm Hansen, Rachel Anderson, Jean Campbell, Louis Buckley, Richard Houguez, Charles Hustwick, Derek Matravers, Kinsi Abdulleh
To read ‘The Field: An art experiment in Levinasian ethics’, click below…