provoked 2 madness by the brutality ov weath (2020)
A page from the zine, provoked 2 madness by the brutality ov wealth'.
“a zine accompanying a performance about 'spect-actors' - us handing over to audiences. folks get zine, a length of crimescene tape and are encouraged to 'report back' creatively…”
“we’re all born with a voice, mostly it gets stolen / silenced / denied. at most were permitted to speak on certain ‘things’ in small ways. our first battle is regaining voice. this shows partly about the ‘support worker’ who said what dya need books for yr homeless?’ and our revenge - thirteen years of reading graduating from the open university 2016. those books included Engels condition of the working class in england - the line ‘provoked to madness by the brutality of wealth’ really st(r)uck. don’t think of an elephant (& now yr thinking of elephants arent yu) is title of a book by George Lakoff which energised Bernie Sanders 2016 c.e. (common era) campaign. whoever frames an argument wins it. we know who’s framed ‘the’ argument, ‘the’ narrative. push-back against a dominant story means were only ever firefighting. to stop losing reframe ... stick to our values, but argue our way so were heard. lets reframe housing for e.g. britain signed the universal declaration of human rights just after world war two. article 25 says we all have the right to a standard of living adequate for our health and well-being and this includes food, clothing, housing, medical care and social security. telling the truth that housing is a human right not a brutality of wealth allows us to reframe the argument. thanks cardboard citizens for introducing us to Augusto Boal’s theatre of the oppressed. we all need liberating from the ‘cop in the head’. and we love ‘spect-actors’ - regaining voice, trying different solutions, allowing yourself possibilities. alongside this zine, this show (safely) offers crime-scene tape encourages you to post your own creative resistances and give them a collective home. having a voice is needed more than ever. thank you museum of homelessness for hearing us and many others via catalyst - just one strand of your essential work. heres to rewriting whichever part of narrative you wish to (ta Audre Lorde 4 reminding there are no hierarchies of oppression). ”
To read the zine, scroll through the PDF below: