It's All About The Road (2014-15)
Dan Thompson
Photograph of pages from It’s All About The Road publication
The stories collected from one road become the history of a city, and that becomes the history of England.
From June 2014-June 2015 I was artist in residence on London Road in Stoke, where 150,000 pieces of pottery are made by Portmeirion, and 15,000 buns are baked in a steam-powered bakehouse every week. I discovered lost canals, lost railways, and a million lost golfballs, and found connections to Margate, Charles Darwin, the man who designed the most reproduced work of art ever, and Jonah. I wrote a book, It’s All About The Road, starting in the Ice Age and ending twenty years in the future. I also worked with local artists, makers and designers to celebrate London Road’s stories. I held Art Lunches, seedfunded #chumbrella, led walks and commissioned Bottom Knocker, a piece of music made from sounds recorded in the Portmeirion Factory. A year as artist-in-residence for the whole road, collecting stories, working alongside local people, and making connections. This year-long artwork was commissioned by Appetite, one of Arts Council England’s Creative People & Places programmes, with local community groups SWOCA and Second Look Stoke.