Welcome Home (2020)
Sam Metz
Installation shot of the virtual exhibition
A virtual gallery project involving young people, at 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Scunthorpe.
20-21 Visual Arts Centre commissioned artist Sam Metz to work with young people to create a virtual gallery space. In a virtual gallery takeover, 16-25 year olds were invited to submit and curate images of visual artwork responding to the theme ‘sense of place’ for display in a 3d digital space which they would create. We wanted to know how young people felt about rootedness and being connected to your home (and how that had maybe changed over the past few months).
Young artists and curators between the age of 16-25 created and curated the artworks in the exhibition with support from the 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Sam Metz and Barbara Grabher. The works explore their sense of place, and in particular what the word ‘home’ means to them. The project was led by young people who curated the work of other young artists.