Elan Falls (2019)
RM Sánchez-Camus
Cover image of Elan Falls. The text reads, ‘Elan Falls: A Creative Companion Guide to the Valley’.
Completed as part of the Elan Links artist residency in rural Wales 2018, the book is a creative and psychogeographic exploration of the Elan Valley.
Created through conversations with the landscape, its history and the people who live in the valleys: farmers, rangers, walkers, and the residents of Rhayader. The guide is for any visitor or resident of the Elan Valley to enjoy a creative way of exploring the area and thinking about history, nature, and people. Each location has been chosen to reflect the memories and stories shared through dialogues with residents. Following in the Welsh oral tradition the stories are meant to be read aloud to your walking companion. The guide is an invitation to explore the valley in a creative way while enjoying drawings, stories, and metaphors that bring the landscape to life before your eyes.
Published by Social Art Publications in July 2019 and launched at Live Art Development Agency in December 2019.