Flowing Free (2019)
Liz Sergeant
An installation photograph of Flowing Free, on location in a church. A mass of ribbons in different shades of blue cascade from a white branched structure, evoking the flow of water in a waterfall. Photo credit: Liz Sergeant.
A large-scale mixed-media installation, created for a town-wide Cultivate Arts Festival, which was the focal point for a series of workshops, talks and concerts on the theme of generosity.
This project formed part of the second town-wide Cultivate Arts Festival held in June 2019 in Harpenden, Herts. Celebrating the creative arts in all their forms, the festival’s theme was ‘generosity’, and various locations across the town hosted exhibitions, installations, concerts, workshops, poetry and performances during the week.
‘Flowing Free’ was a 3m x 2m installation in a church, representing a fountain- a powerful, joyous image of generosity - refreshing, renewing and regenerating. The fountain was made from hundreds of meters of recycled and donated materials, and was the focal point for a programme of events throughout the week.
The project involved the help and support from a number of groups from the wider community. A 70-strong team of artists, musicians, poets, guest speakers, teachers, bakers, greeters and installers generously shared their talents to make this a collaborative event, contributing to the preparation of materials as well as the content of the events. 700 visitors (including 420 primary school children) were invited to explore and consider the fountain from different viewpoints in the building, and to ‘keep generosity flowing’ by adding droplets to the installation with their personal thoughts or images about generosity. 700 droplets mirrored the fountain as they flowed around the church, over the side arches towards the altar.
In 2019 the second Cultivate Arts Festival had grown to 18 events in 5 participating locations in a week-long programme, across a town of 30,000 people. As well as driving and directing the ‘Flowing Free’ project, I have been part of the core team of town-wide organisers and have learned much in this role!
“Stunning - so uplifting and inspirational”
“I was proud to be part of this wonderful project. Liz always amazes me with her energy and vision ”