Bollard Art (2018-19)
Martyn Lucas
Photograph of artworks displayed on bollards on an urban street.
An urban art intervention involving young people in Leigh.
As part of the long-term ‘Our Art Neighbourhood’ initiative with Leigh Neighbours Big Local Project, Year 6 pupils from Sacred Heart RC Primary School transformed a number of traffic bollards to create a unique community art installation inspired by old black and white photographs from the town’s archives.
The children’s drawings of industrial heritage, such as Parsonage Colliery and scenes featuring Pit Brow lasses, as well as local buildings and landmarks, provide a colourful and engaging addition to the streets. 14 roadside bollards in the neighbourhood were wrapped in the bespoke artworks and remain as a permanent feature of the street scene. The children investigated some of the history associated with familiar places near the school, such as the Town Hall and the old Grand Theatre (now a pub) and local industry such as coal mining and silk weaving.
The project was co-ordinated by artist Martyn Lucas through workshops in school and holiday sessions at Leigh Neighbours’ community base. The ‘bollard art’ is one of several urban art initiatives which aim to improve the look of the area.