Voices (2020)
Bernie Velvick, Gabrielle Bowers, Judith Rowan, Fiona Cheetham and ND
Photograph of artwork on display.
Voices is a collaborative artwork by Bernie Velvick, Gabrielle Bowers, Judith Rowan, Fiona Cheetham and ND.
Bernie Velvick has worked in participatory and community arts in Preston for many years. The motivation for this collaborative artwork developed when two local groups who support people with disabilities forwarded the Prestoning micro-commission brief to her independently. She embraced the chance to include more voices in Preston’s cultural strategy and to design an inclusive project appropriate to the current situation. Through a callout from Mel Close at DENW (Disability Equality North West) Bernie found 4 women who wanted to collaborate with the initial ideas she proposed. We used phone conversations, postal sharing of artwork, What’sApp group for sharing pics of developing ideas, and email for file sharing as the process developed. Bernie’s collaborators are Gabrielle Bowers, Judith Rowan, Fiona Cheetham and ND. We all made doodles with text printed on the back. Some people answered the questions Bernie asked, some talked about their own experience.